
In-App Mobile Ads Offer Big Payoff

Consider this stat: mobile device users spend around 90% of their device time using mobile apps - compared to only 10% of their time using the mobile web. This massive time discrepancy is creating great opportunities for innovative in-app ads.Two new blog posts break down further reasons to advertise within mobile apps.The first post from Information Age compares in-app advertising to advertisements in mobile browsers. It concludes in-app advertising is more effective due to improved ability to identify sources of traffic in apps, and the ability to track user behavior through the entire purchase / install process. This dramatically raises our ability to evaluate the true value of ad spending.The second post in Clickz provides some strategies for effective in-app advertisements. It recommends making use of location data, a benefit of mobile apps that offers more dynamic and targeted advertising.

While mobile advertising is still a young industry, it’s clear that advertising to users within apps is going to play a big role.

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