Engineering Blog

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Engineering Blog

Apache Druid’s Lookups as Code
Testing Environments For Micro Frontends Simplified with ArgoCD ApplicationSet
Enhancing Mobile Quality Assurance with Local Automation Infrastructure for DT Exchange SDK
Enhancing Install-Rate Prediction Models: Balancing Metrics and Offline Evaluation at DT-DSP
From Chef to Kubernetes
Tracking Ad-Driven Installs on iOS with SKAdNetwork
Android Memory Leak Testing
DT Data Scientists Win 2022 Kaggle Days Paris Competition
In-House DevOps Infrastructure at DT
Using Telegraf Operator Internally at DT
How to Run an Ad-Tech Android SDK in the New SDK Runtime Environment
Introduction to Go Language
Reader’s Choice
Introducing DT’s New Podcast: Mobile Explorers
How Mobile Ads Can Grow Loyalty, Drive Referrals, and Retain Customers

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