
Mobile Holiday Shopping Expected to Surpass Desktop in 2015

According to a recent Adobe forecast, total online holiday sales are expected to reach 83 billion in 2015, an 11% increase from 2014.Even more notable, mobile devices are expected to overtake desktops in driving the majority (51%) of 2015 online shopping visits.

Mobile sales are also expected to make up 29% of online holiday sales, a 12% increase from last year.

A shift in consumer behavior is underwayThese figures represent a dramatic shift in consumer behavior and show the critical importance of having a mobile-friendly business experience.While most sales are still taking place in physical stores, consumers are increasingly using their digital devices while in-store for comparing prices, or looking up product reviews.In fact, 58% of mobile shoppers prefer looking up product information on their device rather than talking to a store employee.Businesses should include mobile as part of their in-store and online strategies.

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